28 November, 2010

Black Veil Brides Concert.

Wednesday November 17,2010 at the Slims' San Francisco.
-Aural Vampire
-Black Veil Brides
-Birthday Massacre

When I got there, I was craving for some Skittles. So, I notice the liquor store right across the street from the Slims. When I walk in there, I find myself with Andy Six, CC and Ashley Purdy buying some food. haha We talked a little bit. I didn't talk to CC because he was on the phone, but he did cut me in line! lmao I didn't care. :) He grabbed a Kinder Chocolate and started eating it. Before even paying. Hahaha I asked Andy if I could take a picture with him. He said yeah, the two times that I have seen them, they have been very kind.
This is the picture that me and him took :).
Right after that I saw Ashley ordering some food, and he looked at me and stuck out his tongue. Then, he smiled at me. I was soo happy. I couldn't believe what had just happened. So, we go back to cross the street. Let's say about 20 minutes later. Ashley comes out and we talk and we also took a picture. yuppiee!  Don't we look happy? haha He looks extremely Purdy in person. I love it.<3

So in line, I met so many fucking poeple. When I got there I met 2 guys dressed in full warpaint and a girl. We became good pals. Then I had to go to the other line, the VIP line. I met 3 other girls. Then the guy behind us that came in after. And some other girl. :) I don't want to mention names. hehe So we were a big family. We waited there at the VIP line for about 2 hours.
Inside, meeting the band. I talked to them. I was hella nervous! Haha I didn't know what to talk about.
here's a vid of me and them at the Meet and Greet.

After that, we got to take group photo. During my group photo, I try to hug Ashley and he yells "That's my dick!" "She touched my penis!" oh man. After the picture was taken, they all laughed. And the guy said " okay lets do a retake" Andy said "Let's call this one PG13". So I got 2 photos. NICE! After my second shot. They were commenting on each other "that was the best!" "yeah she was the best one". Did I mention the whole room was laughing. Oh man, I was embarassed. I was blushing soo bad. Hahahaha.
Show time!
Aural Vampire, she put one hell of a show. I enjoyed it, very much. And she's very pretty.
Dommin they were really good also. I recorded some of their videos and also, took pictures of both performances.

Black Veil Brides were no ARE boss when on tour! <3
The Intro song NEVER GIVE IN :D
It wasn't even one minute of the song and I was already sweating. Hahaha
to see more videos visit

I came out of the show with Andy's water bottle and CC's drumstick, Nov 17,2010 was the highlight of my year. I havn't had so much fun in such a long fucking time.

And to all the BVB haters, fuck YOU! No body gives a shit of what you guys have to say about the music that the fans of BVB enjoy listening to. We go to a show to see them perform. To see them play live music because they are passionate and talented at what they do. BVB are not like the famous stars of today who fool their fans, and just use them to for the money. BVB show the fans their true selves. The camera lies, yeah it does but they actually take their fucking time to interact with us, and actually get to know us. They are grateful because if it wasn't for us, they wouldn't be doing what they love.

Here are some pictures from the show